Our expertise

Implementing customised solar projects. Comprehensively and sustainably.

The market of renewable energy is constantly changing and ever more global. We are an active participant and driver in this change. Based on our experience in various countries, we ensure the success of complex solar projects. Our services cover a broad spectrum ranging from the development, consulting, planning, construction, and the operation of solar power stations towards energy trading. We are there throughout the entire life cycle of your solar project. We are always keen to enter new markets striving to deliver the best solution to our project partners.


We develop projects: from the initial contact with landowners up to the application and fulfilment of all official requirements leading to the building permit for the PV solar plant. Our construction engineers and highly experienced landscape architects engage with local councils and authorities as equals and thus can ensure a professional process flow. Also if you are interested in selling your solar project: We purchase project rights at every stage of development.

  • Acquiring and securing land
  • Securing grid connection points
  • Managing the approval processes
  • Purchasing project rights


We offer technical consulting: Our many years of experience in planning and constructing large-scale photovoltaic systems guarantees reliable, practice-oriented advice. We sufficiently prepare technical planning documents to provide banks and investors with a basis for their decision-making.

  • Feasibility studies
  • Site investigations
  • Economic and technical analyses
  • Technical due diligence
  • Monitoring the construction, installation & commissioning


We handle the planning process: With a total capacity of 4,727 megawatts in Germany, Europe, Asia, and other continents, as well as over 3,532 megawatts of internally owned capacity in solar power plants, we offer extensive know-how. Our qualified engineers and certified project managers handle customised planning tasks.

  • Preliminary planning
  • Approval planning
  • Execution design
  • Tendering / bid comparison
  • Contract preparation


We implement: Ranging from proper installation documentation to smoothly coordinated construction, from the quality control and safety management to the completion of the plant on time with our affiliated company pvwerk and partners – Enerparc ensures professional project management and controlling, as demanded by major investments in complex projects. A valuable contribution is also made by our proven network of partners as well as our practical experience in different countries.

  • Installation & detailed construction documentation
  • Specialist site management & monitoring
  • Logistics coordination
  • Commissioning & performance tests
  • Project management & documentation


We take care of PV plant operation: Optimum yields and maximum profits demand fault-free PV plant operation. We create the prerequisites for this. Integrated after-sales service, technical management, central plant monitoring, regular servicing, and rapid rectification of any faults on site: Enerparc customers can choose between various service concepts for every need.

  • Operational management & monitoring
  • Reporting
  • Optimisation of plant operation
  • Remote monitoring of operating data
  • Maintenance & troubleshooting

Energy Trade

We are energy traders. Together with our subsidiary Sunnic Lighthouse GmbH, also based in Hamburg, we have been managing our current portfolio of PV solar plants since 2012. As an investment company our expertise lies in the direct marketing of generated power both from our own solar parks and from other renewable energy facilities.

  • Market access to relevant energy exchanges 
  • Energy forecasts for your systems
  • Energy trade
  • Re-registration, marketing & billing
  • Compensation claims for curtailments 


We invest in our own inventory of solar power plants and we cover the entire value creation chain. Currently Enerparc has over 699 solar power plants with 3,532 MW in its inventory – developed by the company itself, built with its own team and serviced by its own employees. Enerparc participates in EEG bids, invests in projects with fixed feed-in tariffs and develops non-subsidized solar power plants in Europe with energy supply contracts (PPA) for energy suppliers or large buyers.

  • 3,532 MW in the company's inventory
  • Planning, installation & operation
  • Participation in EEG bids
  • Development of non-subsidized solar power plants

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is an often long-term electricity purchase agreement, usually between a current purchaser (buyer) and a plant operator (seller) of renewable energies. This contract regulates all the necessary conditions, such as the amount of electricity, the prices negotiated, the balance sheet processing or the contract duration. Since a PPA is a bilateral contract, it can take many different forms that are tailored to the contracting parties. PPAs are found primarily with large electricity consumers (e.g. industrial companies), traders, energy suppliers and operators of renewable energy systems without government subsidy systems. The advantages of a power purchase agreement for players in the energy market include: long-term price security, opportunities to finance investments in new electricity generation capacities or the reduction of risks in the sale and purchase of electricity.

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) was introduced in 2000 as a central component of the German energy transition. The goal behind the EEG is to gradually achieve 80% of the electricity supply from renewable energies by 2050 and thus increase the proportion of renewable energies in the German gross electricity consumption (§1 EEG 2017). The EEG guarantees plant operators of renewables a fixed energy buy-back price in ct / kWh for 20 years from the date of commissioning. State funding for the first plants will therefore end in 2021. The so-called Power Purchase Agreements can be a new instrument for the economic operation of these old systems, regardless of the EEG funding.